Company Overview

We are one of the most trusted and reliable names in the field of Electromechanical Services. Whether it relates to Electric Installations, Plumbing Installations, Air Conditioning Installations, Fire Alarm & Protection system installations or any kind of Maintenance Services you can easily rely on Grey Parrot to get your job done in the right way and within minimal time frame. Our Engineers are a group of young, dynamic & highly motivated professionals who hold enough experience in handling the old structures to the modern day equipments perfectly.

Our Client portfolio contains some of the major establishments in UAE and we are regularly offering them high quality services to all and encasing new clients from them as referrals.

Our vision

Building Trust by providing world class services to
our clients

Our Mission

Providing high end solutions to clients to achieve clients satisfaction.

Quality Policy

Our Quality Checks are very strict and we don’t compromise at any stage.

Our Values

Clients Trust, Reliability, Satisfaction and happiness are our core values.

Take the right step,
do the big things.

Industries Served
New Installations
Satisfied Clients

*The above figures are not exact just a factual presentation

If you have any query, We are available 24/7 for your service